Mar 28, 2016 | Featured, Reports
Brighton and Hove City Council in the UK has voted overwhelmingly to seek alternatives to glyphosate for killing weeds in public areas, citing the IARC’s 2015 finding that the chemical is “probably carcinogenic”. Source: The move...
Mar 14, 2016 | Featured, Reports
The herbicide glyphosate can enter the body through food or drinking water. A new study has shown that the majority of Germans have been contaminated by the compound. EurActiv Germany reports. A worrying three-quarters of the German population have in fact been...
Mar 11, 2016 | Featured, Reports
Regional environment ministers in the Brussels and Wallonia jurisdictions in Belgium have said they will ban glyphosate – a pesticide which some say probably causes cancer and whose EU stamp of approval is up for renewal....
Feb 5, 2016 | Featured, Reports
The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) is calling on Europe’s most influential cancer societies to urge governments to put an immediate ban on glyphosate, a chemical used as a herbicide. In a letter sent on World Cancer Day (4 February) from HEAL’s President, Dr...
Feb 2, 2016 | Featured, Reports
Monsanto’s signature herbicide glyphosate, first marketed as “Roundup,” is now the most widely and heavily applied weed-killer in the history of chemical agriculture in both the U.S. and globally, according to a landmark report published today in the...
Jan 24, 2016 | Featured, Reports
In a survey carried out over 15 years by Germany’s federal environment agency UBA, an increasing percentage of urine samples were found to be contaminated with glyphosate, the World’s most used herbicide. Source: GM Watch Source: Umwelt Bundesamt (German text)...